
Something is amiss and Kyte can sense it!   Some cool thing coming up this week~ I'm participating in this month's The Pen Clique Challenge. In this challenge, each artist is given a prompt to draw and then to share with the audience during a live stream. This month's challenge is "Versus" in which the artists will be asked to take two characters (which were previously voted on by viewers) and draw them fighting one another.  It's gonna be a lot of fun and the artists involved in the challenge are all amazing! If you guys wanna see what illustration I come up with (Hint: It involves a DBZ character and Pokemon character), you can watch live this Thursday, January 28 on Facebook!   ALSO- This month is winding down. It would be a great time to sign up for my monthly newsletter if you haven't done so already! Not only will you get Moxie pages sent directly to your inbox, but you'll also get to see some behind the scenes of other things I'm working on! Plus cat pictures, I can't forget the cat pictures :D